• 3110-2019

    Introduction to the concept and use of snap buttons

    snap buttons are often seen and used in our daily lives. There are many types and expressions of snap buttons, and different places have different names. Today, Xiaobian introduces you to the concept and use of snap buttons, and hopes to help everyone.

  • 1810-2019

    Snap button repair and installation method

    You can see snap buttons in many places in your daily life, so do you know what the snap buttons are? How to fix the snap button? How to install a snap button? Let's take a look at the repair and installation methods of the snap buttons, I hope to help everyone.

  • 1010-2019

    Snap button type and installation steps

    In many places in daily life, you can see snap button, such as clothes, bags and the like. So what are the types of snap button? How to install a snap button? Here is a detailed introduction to the types of Snap buttons and installation steps for everyone, I hope it’s helpful to everyone. The details about the type of snap button and the installation steps are as follows.

  • 2709-2019

    Brass handbag snap button making process and maintenance method

    The brass handbag snap button is a more important hardware accessory on the bag, which can ensure that the items in the bag will not fall. Do you know how the brass handbag snaps are made? How to maintain the brass handbag snap button? Today, I will tell you about the manufacturing process and maintenance methods of the brass handbag snaps. I hope to help everyone.

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